Lisboan (Portugal) jaio zen 1775ean, eta hiri horretan ere zendu zen 1842an. Portugalen ezarri zen arte, pianista ibilbidea Parisen eta Londresen garatu zuen. 1822an Elkarte Filarmonikoa sortu zuen Lisboan, eta 1833an kontserbatorioa.
Obra instrumental ugari idatzi zituen, pianorako eta sinfonikoak, eta bait obra eszeniko bat ere.
- E-AR I-12: Two sonatas and a popular air with variations for the piano forte, with violin accompaniment, ad. libm.
- E-AR I-13: First grand symphony: for two violins, two tenors, violoncello, double bass, two flutes, two hautbois, two clarinets, two bassoons, two horns & kettle drums
- E-AR I-14: [First grand symphony]
- E-AR I-15: A third grand concerto for the piano forte, with accompaniments for a full orchestra
- E-AR I-16: Fourth grand concerto for the piano forte: with the additional keys in altissimo, and adapted for instruments of the ordinary construction, with accompaniments for a full orchestra