
Musikaren euskal artxiboa

Archivo vasco de la música

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List of services

In-library consultation service

Eresbil has a reference and reading room with direct access to the most up-to-date reference collection and bibliography, a collection of scores by Basque and international composers, and journals received in the current year.

The choral library, a collection created together with the Federation of Choirs of the Basque Country, and the dance library are also open access. This room has a piano for study purposes.

Users have a room for listening to audio documents and viewing audiovisual documents, either individually or in groups.

Users may employ their electronic devices to photograph documents only when they are in public domain, their state of preservation allows it and with the express authorisation of the archive staff.

Guidance and bibliographic information

Specialised bibliographic guidance on different topics is provided: in the archive, by post, or by email. In the case of specific queries, information is also provided by telephone. Bibliographic lists are also provided through selective information searches.

Reproduction of documents

The researcher is provided with the reproduction of documents, both textual and audio documents, with the limitations that comply with the Intellectual Property Law and the principle of preservation of documents. The reproduction of works that do not belong to the public domain, i.e. subject to intellectual property rights, is only possible when this is done on a non-profit basis and exclusively for research purposes (art. 37.1 of RDL 1/1996). This archive is not responsible for any use contrary to copyright laws that may be made from the reproductions.

In order to process any request, the application form must be completed and the payment must be made. The publication by any means of documents belonging to the collection deposited in ERESBIL, be they textual, photographic or sound, must include a quotation of their origin.

Interlibrary loan service

This service is mainly aimed at music libraries in the Basque Country, although in some cases loans may be made to other libraries. Under no circumstances will loans be made to individuals. A reproduction will be sent in the case of requests for works excluded from the loan for conservation reasons, in which case payment must be made for the reproduction. An application form must be completed for each document requested and the loan period will be one month from the reception, with the possibility of requesting an extension.

Cultural activities

Guided tours are organised for students and other groups.

Authorization for use of rooms

The multi-purpose hall may be used by associations or other public or private entities for conferences or courses, subject to a prior study of their application.

Reprography - Prices of copies


Minimum demand will be one euro

Type Price
A4, black and white, computer printout, photocopies of microforms € 0,10
A4, colour € 0,60
A3, reductions or enlargements € 0,15
A4, photocopies by scanner € 0,60


Image scanning

Minimum demand will be two euro

Image scanning
Type Price
High resolution scanning € 0,20 (up to 5 images). From that amount, € 0,40 per image
Scanning in low resolution format (jpeg, pdf) € 0,20 per image (In case of sending the images on CD-R, a support fee of € 3 will be charged)


Bibliographic lists of selective searches
For lists on paper or in digital file, please consult prices according to the type of list requested.


Sound and audiovisual copies
Full audio document from digital format
Minutes Price
More than 30 minutes € 15
Less than 30 minutes Minimum price up to 5 min: € 3

Time over 5 min. The charge per additional minute: € 0,6/min.
Full audio document from analog format
Minutes Price
More than 30 minutes € 25
Less than 30 minutes Minimum price up to 5 min: € 5

Time over 5 min. The charge per additional minute: € 0,8/min.
Full video document from analogue or digital format to DVD media
Minutes Price
More than 30 minutes € 20
Less than 30 minutes Minimum price up to 5 min: € 5

Time over 5 min. The charge per additional minute: € 0,6/min.

In the case of compilations belonging to various sound and/or audiovisual documents, an estimate will be provided on request.