This compilation of recordings, featuring the compositions of J. Anchieta, draws from the sound collection housed in the ERESBIL-Archivo Vasco de la Música (Basque Music Archive), where they are available for listening. The compilation excludes any arrangements and adaptations that have been created for various instruments, such as organ or guitar.


2007. [Misa Rex Virginum] Missa de Nostra Dona [Recorded by Capilla Peñaflorida; Josep Cabré, cond.] [CD]. [Donostia]: NB.

  1. Missa Rex Virginum; Motecta [Recorded by Capilla Peñaflorida; Josep Cabré, cond.] [CD]. [Longeville-les-Metz]: K617.
  1. Missa Sine Nomine [Recorded by Capilla Peñaflorida; Ministriles de Marsias; Josep Cabré, cond.] [CD]. [Barcelona]: Marco Polo & Naxos Hispánica.
  1. Passio secundum Mattaeum [Recorded by Donosti Ereski Abesbatza; Migel Zeberio, cond.] [CD]. Orio: aus_Art_records.


  1. Dos ánades madre [Recorded by Euskal Barrokensemble; Enrike Solinis, cond.]. In Juan Sebastian Elkano: the first voyage round the world [CD]. [Bellaterra]; Alia Vix Diversa.
  1. Con amores, la mi madre; Ave Sanctissima Maria [Recorded by Euskal Barrokensemble; Enrike Solinis, cond.]. In Euskel Antiqva [CD]. [Bellaterra]: Alia Vox Diversa.
  1. Con amores, la mi madre [Recorded by Pirinaeus Renaissance Consort]. In Berpizkundeko euskal Musika: XV eta XVI. Mendeetako musikagileak [CD]. [Donostia]: 5Gora.
  1. Con amores la mi madre [Recorded by Ensemble Mare Nostrum]. In Nueva España [CD]. [Paris]: Alpha.
  1. Con amores, la mi madre [Recorded by The Sixteen and Harry Christophers]. In Into the light [CD]. London: Decca Music Group Limited.
  1. In Passione Domini qua datur salus homini; Domine Jesu Christe qui hora ultima; Salve Sancta facies; Libera me, Domine de norte aeterna [Recorded by Odhecaton; Paolo da Col, cond.]. In Un libro de horas de Isabel la Católica [CD]. Bologna: Bongiovanni.
  1. Kyrie from Missa de Nuestra Señora [Recorded by The Rose Ensemble]. In Rosa das rosas [CD]. Saint Paul (Minnesota): The Rose Ensemble.
  1. Libera me, Domine [Recorded by The Orlando Consort]. In The Toledo Summit: early 16th-c. Spanish and Flemish songs & motets [CD]. Los Angeles [California]: Harmonia Mundi USA.
  1. O bone Jesu [Recorded by Inmakuladako abeslariak]. In Notas de color [CD]. [Bilbao: Inmakuladako Abeslariak].
  1. Kyrie, Missa Sine Nomine [Recorded by Coral Andra Mari (Gernika)]. In Andra Mari Korala, Gernika [CD]. Gernika-Lumo: Andra Mari Korala.
  1. En memoria d´Alixandre [Recorded by Capella de Ministrers; Carles Magraner, zuz.]. In Plaser y gasajo: Música Cortesana en tiempos del Papa Alejandro VI [CD]. [Barcelona]: Auvidis Ibérica.
  1. Libera me, Domine; Domine Jesu Christe; Domine, non secundum peccata nostra [Recorded by Capilla Príncipe de Viana; Angel Recasens, cond.]. In Música sacra en la época de Carlos V [CD]. [Barcelona]: Audiovisuals de Sarrià; [Cambrils]: Music & Productions Network.
  1. Congratulamini mihi omnes [Recorded by Pedro Aizpurua, órgano]. In Conciertos del Realejo de Nuestra Señora de las Angustias [CD]. Valladolid: Diputación Provincial de Valladolid.
  1. Libera me, Domine [Recorded by Ensemble Gilles Binchois; Dominique Vellard, cond.]. In Requiem, Escobar [CD]. London: Virgin Classics.
  1. Con amores mi madre [Recorded by Ensemble Accentus; Thomas Wimmer, cond.]. In Cancionero Musical de Palacio: Music of the Spanish Court (1505-1520) [CD]. [Munich]: HnH International Ltd.
  1. Bone Jesus; Con amores la mi madre [Recorded by Coro de Cámara de la Asociación Coral Lagun Onak (Buenos Aires). In Eman ta zabal zazu [CD]. Donostia: Kea.
  1. Con amores, mi madre [Recorded by I Fagiolini & Concordia]. In All the King’s men [CD]. Brackley (England): Metronome Recordings.
  1. Con amores mi madre [Recorded by Geraldine McGreevy; Musica Antiqua of London]. In A Royal Songbook: Spanish Music from the time off Columbus [CD]. [Munich]: HNH International Ltd.
  1. In passione Domini [Recorded by Grupo Parnaso Español; Jesús Gonzalo López, cond.]. In Música del 1500 en la Catedral de Tarazona [CD]. Madrid: Teconosaga.
  1. Con amores, mi madre [Recorded by Margaret Philpot, alto; Shirley Rumsey, vihuelas, lute, guitar; Christopher Wilson, vihuelas, lutes]. In From a Spanish palace Songbook: música from the time of Christopher Columbus [CD]. London: Hyperion.
  1. Con amores mi madre [Recorded by New London Consort]. In Music from the time of Columbus [CD]. [s.l.]: Linn Records.
  1. Dos ánades, madre [Recorded by Hesperion XX; Jordi Savall, cond.]. In Canciones y danzas de España: songs and dances from the time of Cervantes [CD]. Köln: EMI Electrola.
  1. Missa quarti toni [Recorded by Corale Universitaria di Torino]. In Polifonia sacra nel rinascimento spagnolo [CD]. Bologna: Edizioni Bongiovanni.
  1. Virgo et Mater; Domine Jesu Christe [Recorded by Coral Samaniego de Vitoria; cond., Antton Lete Ruiz de Azua]. In Encuentro Nacional de Polifonía Juvenil, (5. 1984. Cuenca) [LP]. Madrid: Cía Fonográfica Española.
  1. Con amores, mi madre; Dos ánades, madre [Recorded by Capilla Musical del Seminario de Estudios de la Música Antigua]. In En folía. LP. Madrid: Hispavox.
  1. O Bone Jesu [Recorded by Coral Donosti Ereski de Donostia]. In Abestaldeentzat euskal abesti eta polifoni-lehiaketa = XIII certamen canción y polifonía vascas para masas corales [LP]. Lazkao: Kea.
  1. O bone Jesu [Recorded by Coral San Ignacio; cond., José Antonio Sainz Alfaro]. In Encuentro Nacional de Polifonía Juvenil, Cuenca, 1982 [LP]. Madrid: CFE.
  1. En memoria d´Alixandre [Recorded by The Early Music Consort of London; David Munrow, dir.]. In Music for Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain [LP]. Barcelona: Edigsa [Spanish edition of the 1st ed. published in England in 1973].
  1. Dos ánades, madre. [Recorded by solo voices; Miguel Angel Tallante, cond.]. In Música en la obra de Cervantes [LP]. Madrid: Servicio de Publicaciones del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.
  1. O bone Jesu [Recorded by Quartet Polifónic de Barcelona; Miguel Querol, cond.]. In La música de España [LP]. Madrid: Editorial Prensa Española.
  1. Virgo et Mater [Recorded by Coral de Echarri Aranaz]. In Euskal abesti eta polifoni VIIIgarren leiaketa [LP]. San Sebastián: Ots.
  1. Con amores, la mi madre [Recorded by Teresa Berganza]. In Recital de Canciones Españolas [LP]. Madrid: Polydor.
  1. Domine Jesu Christe; En memoria d’Alixandre; Con amores, mi madre; Dos ánades, madre; Donsella, Madre de Dios [Recorded by Coro Ametsa (Irun)]. In Música a capella del siglo XVI [LP]. [Madrid]: BCD.
  1. Kyrie [Recorded by Montreal Bach Choir; cond. George Little]. In Music of the Spanish Renaissance [LP]. New York: Vox Productions.

1954. Con amores, la mi madre [Recorded by Nan Merriman, mezzo-soprano  ; Gerald More, piano]. In Spanish song recital  [LP]. Hayes: Columbia Graphophone Company.